Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mommy Gets A Larger Laundry Pile

When Sara turned 10 last month, her Grandma's present was a gift of love. Sara has been wanting to learn how to sew, so Grandma gave her a trip to the fabric store to pick out material and a pattern for a new outfit. Not only that, but Sara would get to spend the day with Grandma learning how to sew and making her new outfit.

That means that I get a day off! Well, not really. After all, I still have 2 other kids at home to take care of.

Anyway, they left around 10 am on Monday (which was the first official day of Spring Break so Sara didn't have scohol). Due to a snow storm, Sara ended up spending the night at Grandma's, and didn't return home until mid-afternoon on Tuesday.

Sara came home wearing this:

First Sewing Project

Cute Ruffles

Sara made the skirt; Grandma said that Sara did 50% of the work herself, so I'd say that's pretty good for a first sewing attempt, particularly for a newly-turned 10-year-old. They also made a matching headband. The shirt and jacket were the result of a spontaneous shopping trip to Kohl's, once they realized that Sara had nothing to wear with it.

Didn't Sara do a good job? I'm certainly impressed.
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